How Much CO2e per kWh?
After 16 months, our solar plant has generated 18 000 kWh of electricity. I expect the savings to be more than €3 000 for 2022. As I'm obsessed with global heating and avoiding CO2e emissions, I'm interested in how much CO2e we have avoided. Let's dig into the numbers: According to Sungrow - 1 kg CO2e per kWh The Inverter producer (Sungrow) compares the electricity generation with coal-burning electricity. Combining 1 kg Coal gives ~3.7 kg carbon dioxide and gives up to 9 kWh. If the thermic energy is converted to electricity with 33% efficiency, one kWh will generate 1.2 kg CO2e. That would cancel the emissions from my entire family's personal consumption, if that number would reflect our savings. But it doesn't. Averaging to the Swedish Electricity Mix ~13 g CO2e per kWh Luckily, the electricity production in Sweden is almost coal-free. Most of the electricity is generated from wind and water, and also extracted from nuclear nucular power. What is the CO2e cos...