Stupid Incentives for Small Electricity Consumers/Producers
As a home and solar cell owner, I've seen two stupid incentives that will encourage some to waste electricity and encourage some other to turn off their solar systems. I'm not complaining about my electricity bill, the last one happened to be very low. Why It Is Sometimes a Good Idea to Turn Off Swedish Solar Systems Some Swedish houses with solar panels have only covered a part of the roof . Some other house owners turn them off during fall , or choose to waste energy the last months of the year. Why? They fear they will produce too much electricity, and doing so can be expensive. As a residential solar power owner, it is important not to produce more electricity than you consume. If that is the case, I qualify as a microproducer , and I don't need to pay Input Fees ( Inmatningsavgifter ) to the grid owner. If I have a surplus, the grid owner may charge me, and that may cost thousands of Swedish kronor. Fortunately, it seems that not all companies do so. This could easily ...